
How to treat your difficult disease,Owarian cysts,Fibromyalgia,Epilepsy,Pakinson`s disease,so on.



 Our location is Fukuoka city in Japan.

 We can treat very difficult disease.What is your disease?

We can import Chinese medicine to you.

We are  import agency.


Since the medicine are for hospital, you have to receive consult at China's large hospital and doctors.

Chinese medicine have most long history and career in the world, and it is very  good.

It is advanced medicine often does not make the other countries.



You know western medicine  is very good.

You need western medicine.

But in case western medicine can not cure your disease,you need different way of cure.

Our very important  way of treat is Chinese medicine.


From our Fukuoka city to Chaina,by air flite is only one hour.It's very close to.

We have special team,special doctors,special Chinese medicienes.

How to cure your difficult disease.





Owarian cysts(卵巢囊肿)

Mainly Ovarian cysts most necessary to treat Five viscera.

Ovary usually act with Five viscera.


That is Physiological astivity.

If Five viscera do not act as normal.

That makes Owarian cysts.

Qwarian cysts have very many case.

If blood stop at Ovary,Five viscera or passageway of blood between Five viscera and Ovary,it makes Ovarian cysts.

This Medical theory are different from Western medicine.


Chinese medicine have very good medicienes.

General page of Owarian cysts is here.



General page of  Endometriosis is here.


Menstrual irregularities(月经不规律)

General page of Menstrual irregularities  is here.


Menstrual pain(月经疼痛)

 General page of Menstrual pain  is here.


Menstrual disease(月经疾病)

 General page of Menstrual disease  is here.



General page of Infertility  is here.



 General page of Menopause  is here.


Bacterial vaginosis(细菌性阴道炎)

 General page of  Bacterial vaginosis is here.


Genital herpes(生殖器疱疹)

 General page of Genital herpes  is here.


Candida vaginitis(念珠菌阴道炎)

General page of Candida vaginitis  is here.




Internal disease(内科)

Pakinson`s disease(帕金森病)

General page of Pakinson`s disease  is here. 



General page of dementia  is here.



General page of Arthritis  is here. 



General page of Fibromyalgia  is here. 



General page of  Neutropenia is here.



General page of Epilepsy  is here. 


Meniere's disease(梅尼埃病)

General page of Meniere's disease is here. 


Behcet's disease(白塞氏病)

General page of Behcet's disease  is here. 


Thyroid gland(甲状腺)

General page of Thyroid gland  is here.



General page of  Bronchiectasis is here.


Polycystic kidney (多囊肾)

General page of  Polycystic kidney  is here.





Our company name is Vivid Life co.,Ltd.

Loceted in Fukuoka city.  Kyushu aria.  JAPAN.

We have already 20 years career for the Chineise medicienes.

We can import Chinese medicine to you.


We are  import agency.

Since the medicine are for hospital, you have to receive consult at China's large hospital and doctors.

You no need come to Japan.

You can contact us by internet.


If you send your disease documents to us,our  doctor can diagnosis you.

You can receive doctor’s diagnosis 7~10days later.

Docter can find your disease cause and mechanism.he will teach us your medicienes.


We make Chines medicines estimation to you.

If you need your medicines,we send  to you.

It’s from main land China.


Our doctres are top level in China,and Chinese medicienes are guaranteed by China government mostly made by China State-owned factory.

In China it's very difficult to receive treatment by good or top level doctor by yourself.



How do you think?

In case western medicine can not cure your disease,you will give up or serch other way of cure.

Which you take?

Our TEL +81-92-980-5600

You can contact us from here.


Main staff Mr,Naonobu Goto.I will help you.



