Our location is Fukuoka city in Japan.
We can treat very difficult disease.What is your disease.
You know western medicine is very good.
You need western medicine. But in case western medicine can not treat your disease,you need different way of treat.
Our very important way of treat is Chinese medicine.
From our Fukuoka city to Chaina,by air flite is only one hour.It's very close to.
We have special team,special doctors,special Chinese medicienes.
Our company name is Vivid Life co.,Ltd.
Loceted in Fukuoka city. Kyushu aria.
We have already 20 years career for this Chineise medicienes.
You no need come to Japan. You can contact us by internet. If you send your disease documents to us,our doctor can diagnosis you. You can receive doctor’s diagnosis 7~10days later.
Docter can find your disease cause and mechanism.he will teach us your medicienes.
We make Chines medicines estimation to you. If you need your medicines,we send that to you. It’s from maim land in China.
Our doctres are top level in China,and Chinese medicienes are guaranteed by China government mostly made by China State-owned factory.
In China it's very difficult to take treat by good or top level doctor.
How do you think?
IN case western medicine can not cure your disease,you will give up or serch othher way of cure. Which you take?
Our TEL +81-92-980-5600
You can contact us from here.
Main staff Mr,Naonobu Goto.I will help you.